Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Shaft of a light. A warm breath and a scream.

It’s 2014. Heck. 

I never made any New Year’s Resolutions for 2014, I already know I have personality traits which I need to alter and a new year doesn't change them (worrying - a lot, feeling guilty even when there is nothing I can do about a situation – a lot, worrying about feeling guilty …and letting these things stop me from being me, and from doing what I want to do).
And I want to be happy, you can't really resolve to do that.

In 2013 my resolution was ‘to be braver’ and I’m not entirely sure how I did on that to be honest.  I guess there were some small aspects of it which I succeeded, I joined a gym (and actually didn’t feel self conscious, stupid or out of place), I said yes more than no (thanks for the advise FT – “You just got used to saying no, so get up and get outside”), and I took down my guard at times (I’m great at advocating for others, not so great at following my own advice). 2013, although it contained some highlights (a birthday weekend including seeing Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young was one), was a rubbish year for a lot of people close to me - too many loses, too many tears and too much upset.
For me and a lot of others it is time to look forward and to think of 2013 as providing experience that makes you who you are today.

The one thing which has featured in New Year resolution consideration in both years is this blog. I enjoy it, but never felt like I was good enough to write it. The focus on music/gigs is done much better by others and I, whilst I will chat away to anyone and have a lot of friends and acquaintances, am actually quite a private person. I’m not sure my general thoughts and experiences warrant internet space.

So, where does this leave me and where does it leave this blog?
Well, I don’t really want to abandon it, though it must feel abandoned. I’m not sure how it will develop; it’s likely to be more of my rambling than anything on specific topic or theme such as specific gigs. To be honest, I don’t really know who reads it, or why they read it, so I’m just going to keep it as a stream of consciousness.

2014 looks like it could be a good year. For a start there’s been more smiling around me and by me (so far),  Pearl Jam are touring Europe again this summer (didn’t really think I could do a blog post and not mention them did you?), I’ve already managed to visit a new place (Cardiff – yay for visiting Wales!) and I’ve been lucky enough to see Frank Turner (amazing gig, do see him, and his support acts, if you’ve a chance, the night made my heart smile and my feet dance – I wish I was seeing him again this tour), plus there are other things in my diary for the year which make me continue to smile.

In hindsight, maybe being happy should have been my resolution (along with helping to make others happy).  There are some days when trivial things get me down, and I shouldn’t let them, but these things really shouldn’t impact on my overall happiness, or writing this blog.

So, hello ‘A Breath and a Scream blog’ – long time no see!